Don’t work out, Train

Rachel’s philosophy is that Everything is Training. The body adapts almost immediately when we put good stress on it. Working out is for sweat. Training is to perform and to keep our joints healthy… for as long as we can!

Rachel’s Performance + Longevity standards:

1) Push-ups: 20 women / 30 men

2) Pull-ups: 8 women / 10 men

3) 2000m row: sub 8:00 women / sub 7:30 men

4) 3 mile run: sub 26:00 women / sub 22:00 men

5) Turkish Get Up: 16kg women / 24kg men

6) 50m farmers carry: 2x24kg women / 2x32kg men

7) 200m run: sub 0:32 women / sub 0:28 men

8) 1 min row: 275m women / 315m men

9) Forearm plank: 3 min women / 4 min men

10) 5000m row: sub 22:00 women / sub 20:00 men

I don’t think I realized how beat up I was feeling from my workouts before starting Rachel's program. I’m feeling so much better now with the workouts. I’m moving in a lot more planes of motion, and feel much “hardier” overall — like a much more well rounded athlete. I am super challenged by each workout, but the cool thing is it’s not just physically challenged but mentally challenged. I’ve loved tackling new movement patterns that I either consciously or unconsciously avoided in the past. It’s been so fun conquering things I was afraid of before, and I feel like a bad ass after!

Meaghan, 31, Los Angeles

I recently turned 50 and undoubtedly in better shape than when I turned 40. RM is my secret weapon. She is so competent and motivating. The past two years have been my favorite in the gym since high school.

Michael, 52, NYC


I was excited to work with Rachel knowing she has a gymnastics background.  I wanted my workouts to be more challenging so Rachel got a little more creative.  Over three months, I learned how to do Turkish Get-ups, single leg Romanian deadlifts, some Animal Flow, hang cleans, kneeling jump to box jumps, and several other core related moves (that burn like heck, but I loved every second).  My overall strength significantly improved, and I noticed this after week three.  I feel great and best of all, Rachel cracks me up every single time we work together.  Gotta have fun!  I highly recommend Rachel for anyone looking to get into great shape and enjoying their (intense but efficient) workouts at the same time.

Brandon, 27, Former Competitive Diver, NYC

Rachel was the perfect balance of professional and personable in all training sessions.  Not only did she help me meet my 6 week fitness goals, but she also laid a framework for sustainable workouts.  Every session Rachel was enthusiastic and attentive to how I was performing.  She always provided a variety of exercises, so I was never bored.  I highly recommend booking a training with Rachel if you have specific fitness goals in mind or just want to improve your health.

Michelle, 25, DC


As a former professional soccer player and a weekend warrior basketball player, I’ve worked out with trainers and coaches around the country.  Rachel stands out because she has an ability to push her clients, while making each session unique and fun.  She brings a great energy to our sessions, she inspires me to get more fit, and I love her “Let’s Do This” rallying cry!

My training goals with Rachel were to lose body fat and get as fit as possible before an upcoming basketball camp.  In 3 months, my body fat percentage went from 12% down to 10%.  Every week, I challenge Rachel to a “plank-off.”  She has won every one of them, but I’m closing the gap, and I feel strong and ready to do my best at the camp!

Dave, 42, NYC